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COVID-19: Consult the sanitary measures implemented at Riôtel!

Oktoberfest Package

Oktoberfest Package

Oktoberfest Package

Come celebrate Oktoberfest with us !

Oktoberfest Package

From September 21 to October 27, 2024 inclusive, and offered at all our hotels in Matane, Percé, Bonaventure and Carleton-sur-Mer! Come celebrate Oktoberfest with us and enjoy our exclusive package that includes one night's accommodation in double occupancy, one pint of cask beer per person, a 3-course dinner (special Oktoberfest dish unique to each of our restaurants) and lunch! Book now for a unique and festive experience in one or more of our hotels. The road of colors awaits you!

(Book now)https://secure.reservit.com/front/front.do?directoryJMANAGER=jreservit&specialMode=default&hotelid=15477&mode=init&langcode=FR&fmonth=09&fday=21&action=adv-avail&id=108&tday=22&partid=0&numAdult=1&tmonth=09&tyear=2024&httphost=reservation.riotel.com&numnight=1&dtbegin=20240921&m=listhotels&applitype=client&roomAge1=35&fyear=2024&altern=true&custid=108&_ga=GA1.1.462881052.1725887142&zoneid=13575&dtend=20240922
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